Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Mooncake season part 2

I actually succumbed to purchasing mooncake this year. I don't think I did last year. I usually buy my mooncakes from the Raffles Hotel. Somehow their lotus paste is not overly sweet and the crust is not overly oily nor dry.

Every year, new variations of the original mooncake appear and I guess it's a way for the various hotels and bakeries to ring up their till. This year, as last year, 'snow skin' mooncakes are the popular choice. These modern mooncakes have to be kept in a cool, cool place or the skin will melt and have the weirdest combination of tastes within it; Durian, champagne truffle, chocolate to name a few. Google snow skin mooncakes and you'll find more.

Anyways, I bought the traditional ones, lotus paste with pumpkin seeds, except that this year, they decided to add pine and macadamia nuts. I thought it wouldn't be so bad but after having half of it, I think it's going to take me a while to finish it.

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