Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lunch decisions

Running out of things to eat near where I work. Sometimes the reason I don't venture into some of the places is the bad, bad ventilation. No matter what you do, the oily smell just clings onto you and if you can smell it, you betcha everyone you walk near to will be able to smell it.

I should really wander out towards Lau Pa Sat for lunch. It's another affordable food center with many, many variety of stalls. There's even a Wendy's. Hmm... there used to be an A&W, but I'm not sure if it's still there, maybe Wendy's took over, eh?

Sometimes it's a good thing to not have choices. Like at my previous work place, we were stuck in a corner of Orchard Road which didn't have a lot of choices when it came to affordable food. We can't be having $20 lunches everyday, can we?

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