Thursday, September 2, 2010

Moist Cakes

So I had some time at work today and I decided to Google 'moist cakes'. I don't know what has happened to my cakes these days (not that I bake all that often) but being in Singapore means that cakes should be a little more moist than say if you were baking in Australia or the North Pole, right? I get frustrated trying to handle puff pastry here because it just melts! I've been thinking of wrapping curry puffs in the fridge.

Anyways, this post is about moist cakes. So thanks to Google, I've learnt that people add MAYONNAISE to their cakes to make them moist.

Did you just say mayonnaise?

Did you just cringe? Dry retched? Vowed never to eat any of my cakes ever again? Your lost! *grin*

But I have to admit that my initial reaction was just that, blearghhh... but everyone swears by it! Mayonnaise is essentially oil and egg, which so happens to be a couple of the cake's ingredients. Let's face it, the reason why cakes are dry is because you either over-bake them or you didn't add enough liquid. But if you don't bake them enough, it will be too soggy and if you add too much liquid in a cake, you will have to bake it longer. Catch 22, huh? Mayonnaise is your answer. Try it and let me know if it works! *giggle*

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