Saturday, September 11, 2010


Channel flipping on a Saturday night, found this on Star Movies. It was huge when it came out, a couple of years ago and I've been meaning to watch it, if only to perv on Hugh Jackman. He is such a hottie *drool*, even when he's not playing Wolverine. Speaking of which, that's going to be shown next!

Right, the movie. I'm in the middle of it at the moment and it's okay. Maybe because I only started watching it half an hour into the show. From what I can gather, the show's about two people, one an Australian cattle driver and another a lady, from the UK most probably, and the subplot how the aboriginals were treated badly. The scene, outback Australia in the 40s. I don't know much about the history of things, but apparently the Japanese attacked and there's always one mean-o, Fletcher (who's pretty ugly looking too!) who died too easily towards the end.

Did I like the show? I don't know. I probably won't be watching it over and over again, too little scenes with a clean cut Hugh Jackman and I'm still undecided as to whether I like Nicole Kidman as an actress.

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