Monday, March 8, 2010

The Washer

I grew up with the top loader washing machine. It has always been the washing machine in my house. Naturally when I got older, I never thought about what front loaders could do and when I got my own place, I went along with whatever washer that came with the place, so far, it's been the top loader.

Top loaders are generally much cheaper as compared to front loaders (by about 3 to 4 times), but top loaders have been known to destroy your clothes. Clothes come out almost dry from a top loader, but a bit wet from a front loader. That's because the spin cycle for top loaders can go up to 1800 rpm. That's insane! It's like an internal wringer. Clothes come out all tangled up and you'd have to pry them apart before hanging them. Oh, I had privy to a dryer once and think that they're overrated in countries near the equator. Besides, they take up too much electricity.

Top loaders need to fill the drum with water, before being able to wash the clothes. Front loaders spin the drum as the water is splashed through the clothes (I had a fun time sitting in front of the front loader watching it work!)

Top loaders somehow feedback dust particles into the drum, even with their magic filter, and your clothes have a fine layer of dust on it. In a front loader, every tiny particle stuck onto your clothes is siphoned out of the drum together with the water.

Some shirts do not require ironing after coming out of a front loader... that's the best bit of a front loader. So if you're thinking of purchasing a new washer and haven't been using a front loader, go for it. It will set you back a bit, but the joys in owning one outweighs the angst of facing another wrinkle-causing-dust-catching top loader.

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