Saturday, March 6, 2010

Morbid Thoughts : Births & Deaths

I was doing some research online (I love living in this century as I don't have to chug down to a library, scour the encyclopedias or micro-finches, although... I love the smell of old books, for this information.) about deaths, relative to births and the following thoughts crept in

i ~ Governments encourage births with monetary bonuses
ii ~ Dying costs less than birthing
iii ~ The upkeep of a dead person is a whole lot less than a living one
iv ~ Pictures are taken at a birth, memories are sketchy at funerals
v ~ Major plans are happily disrupted for births, begrudgingly cast aside for deaths
vi ~ Birthing rate is on average at least twice the dying rate
vii ~ After birth, your first poo is one of the happiest moments

i ~ You get a new home... upon birth and death
ii ~ Tears are shed... one happy, one sad
iii ~ Minimal motor control just after birth, just before death
iv ~ Both incidents bring friends and family together
v ~ Life as you know it, will never be the same again

Here are a couple of interesting sites:

Watching the counters move in China is fascinating!

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