Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Nobody by Wonder Girls

I grew up listening to songs from the late eighties early nineties. Lyrics then had some meaning... then came the naughties and all the lyrics started to not have much meaning. Something must have happened to the song writers.

Now that we're in the tenties, I've started to look for alternative songs to listen to and to me, Korean pop has made it bigger than Canto pop. Maybe I'm just a little slow on the uptake. Grant that I have to look up the english translation for most of the songs as I don't speak much Korean, but you can half guess that most of them are about love. There's almost always a 'sarang' in the song somewhere. Anyways, catchy tunes and really, really, 'chongmallo', interesting dance steps! Most of the singers are in groups of 5 at least, boy bands, girl bands. Not to mention the cute factor in both the guys and girls as they're all YOUNG, oh, so young.

The song of the month is Nobody by Wonder Girls. I'm sure there are others but I keep hearing this being played at the shopping malls. So far, this is the most interesting video of the song. Tells you something at the end... remember to check the toilet roll!


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