Saturday, March 13, 2010

Parental Guidance 101

I was looking through some plates and bowls in an emporium of sorts today and I overheard the following conversation

Mom : Why did you go off like that?
[Kid starts to bawl]
Mom : Do you know how hard it is to look for you?
Kid : I want daddy!
Mom : Go, go to your father
[Father walks into the picture]
Dad : Why did you disappear like that?
[Kid is still bawling]
Dad : You're short, how am I going to find you?
[Kid doesn't stop bawling]
Dad : What would you do if mom and dad went home? How would you go home?

That made me look up. I usually don't pay attention to parents when they discipline their children, but this one takes the cake! The parents would actually not remember that they brought their child with them. I guess being a parent is not inbuilt. You'd have to learn as you go along. How frightening for us kids!

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