Thursday, March 25, 2010

Battlestar Galactica's glitch

It looks like there's going to be a repeat of the technical problems which new tourist attractions go through here in Singapore with Universal Studios Singapore's (USS) highlight, the Battlestar Galactica roller coaster ride. It might be closed for an undetermined amount of time. At least this time the problem was detected before the park opened and not while there were people on the ride, unlike the Singapore Flyer. Roller coasters are frightful machines when the ride's in operation, what more when things go wrong.

I'm sure everyone's wondering how this was not detected prior to the theme park's opening, when they were running all their tests on the various rides. If it's a wear and tear problem, then it's going to cost the theme park a lot of money in order to keep replacing that particular part once a month. I don't think it would be a weather problem... at least not the extreme heat element as we've been experiencing heavy downpours the past couple of weeks. Hmm... maybe it is a water thing.

Oh, well... it's always best to give a new tourist attraction some time to 'settle'. I haven't been on the Singapore Flyer yet and it's been opened for more than a year... or is it two already?! Plus I guess I've been waiting for the construction around the immediate area to complete; a barrage, a city garden and an integrated resort.

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