Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Decisions, decisions, decisions

Money... it's the root of all evil. Whether you have it or not, it still manages to mess with your plans. Decision making would be a whole lot easier if you just don't have the money. Money to take vacations or purchase things. Especially vacations.

We're due for a vacation sometime soon. The hubs didn't get to travel much the whole of last year due to work commitments. The last vacation we took together was to Hong Kong and Macau, but with my parents tagging along. I don't think I can thoroughly enjoy a vacation if I'm tagging along with people, other than the hubs. I don't mind taking a vacation on my own, because I love to aimlessly wander around a new place. Actually, I don't mind being alone. I've always been alright hanging out by myself. But I need the hubs to tag along as I can't read maps very well. He on the other hand knows things.

Anyways, now that we have a pocket in the calendar where the hubs doesn't have to attend any important meetings, we're stuck on where to go. We've been spinning Google Maps like a globe on a stick, but haven't figured out where we want the globe to stop spinning and point to. We're trying our hardest not to visit places we've been before, which actually limits our selection. We need a new world to take our vacations on!

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