Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mustafa Shopping Centre

There is a shopping centre here in Singapore that is opened 24 hours a day, close to 365 days a year. And they sell almost everything under the sun! Groceries, toiletries, clothes, jewellery, accessories, cars, electronic goods, money exchange and the list goes on!

It's been a few years since I last stepped into it. Only because it's out of the way, in a suburb called Little India. I remember the first time I visited it, I was extremely impressed with all the goods available for purchase and the pricing was a little cheaper or at par with what the going rate was elsewhere. The walking path among all the goods is narrow, enough for two people to pass by at an angle while someone stops to peer at the goods on either side. I can't believe they're able to stock so many things under one roof. Due to its overwhelming tourist and locals alike luring abilities, the whole building was recently reported as a fire-safety violation. I can just imagine the possibility of being stuck in there in an emergency, it's that packed! But they've managed to control the number of people entering the building, so it remains open and it's still as crowded as ever.

Anyways, I brought a friend there today and she shopped her heart out! I think if she didn't have to worry about the time or her aching joints, she would have spent more time sifting through all the thousands of styles available for little boys too. We managed to find heaps of lovely dresses for little one year old baby girls. Cute designs at extremely reasonable prices (about half what you would pay in the city) and after three hours, we only managed to walk around one area of the building. We didn't even venture to the jewellery section!

It's a must visit for everyone and I think I'll keep taking my guests there. Probably not on a Sunday though... that's when most of the foreign workers are given the day off and flock to Mustafa to shop and enjoy the air-condition.

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