Sunday, March 14, 2010

B grade movies

Lazy weekend again. Spent nearly every minute at home, sleeping *grin* Ah... it's great to be able to do that. But as a consequence, I'm still wide awake at this time of night.

Tired of surfing the net, no real topic to search for at the moment, I turned on the telly and decided to pick the channel with the least amount of advertisement breaks, Star Movies. There's truly nothing entertaining to watch in the middle of the night. I wonder why they don't put on good movies after midnight. Maybe we should really switch to digital telly, having the choice of watching what we want, when we want, would be great.

Wyvern : The story was about a lizard-like flying animal, something akin to a dragon, without the smoke puffing thing. It has decided to kill the residents of a remote village, and keep their bodies as nourishment for its three eggs when they hatch. A stranger comes back to town after a long hiatus and saves the day. Very unbelievable. The whole story was rushed through. I think the producers over-cut the film. I was expecting another creature to appear after the first one was killed, but none came. How did the eggs get fertilised? How come it was so easy for the wyvern to get killed? Yeah, it stuck its head inside the semi-trailer just before the road ended, plunging to its death.

Lava Storm : An earlier version of one of my favourite movie, Volcano. No volcanic eruption, but lava starts to come through from under a water basin and ruin everything in its path. I didn't stay up to watch the end, because the storyline was rushed through and very unbelievable. I already knew what's going to happen in the end. Everyone lives. Maybe it's the fault of the actors, or the casting. Ian Zerring was one of the lead actors. I remember him from 90210, the original series. He was playing a teenager then, I guess it's been enough years between then and now that he can be cast to play the father of two teenage kids.

There's a reason they are called B grade movies and the actors, B grade actors.

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