Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Eight years ago, I was proposed to... today. Wow... it's been eight years and I can still remember the event as clearly as it was just yesterday. I've been prone to not remember certain things... more so events that are more than two years old. The hubs can attest to this.

Sometimes he'll bring me to a park (there are numerous national parks in Singapore) and I'll be asking if I've been there before. Yes... but it was quite a while ago. Yeah... that's why I don't remember being here. After all, one lush green park looks like another.

Anyways, I didn't know I was going to be proposed to. We usually don't go out for dinner on Valentine's Day, unable to accept the overpriced meal, so we have steak at home.

I remember it being a workday. I think the hubs came back early, as all I had to do was eat dinner. I didn't notice the decorated ceiling above our dining table until I wondered why the desktop fiber optic chrissy tree that we have was upturned and the light from the base was aimed at the ceiling. The hubs had meticulously stuck confetti stars around the dining light. What a sweetheart! Meanwhile, I still didn't think anything of it, as it was Valentine's Day, a little decoration would be suitable.

After dinner, which was delicious, the hubs went off and left me sitting at the dining table. He came back with a bunch of flowers (where he hid that, I don't know...) in one hand, got down on one knee, produced a ring box in another hand (where he hid THAT, I don't know...) and popped the question!

And they say that the rest is history *grin*

Okay... I was very, very, very shocked, I must have cried too and in the midst of all that, I said yes. Later we went out walking to buy ice-cream from the petrol station across from where we live and the 20 questions came out.

I can't believe the amount of forethought that went into that night. It was all very devious... the hubs chose the ring, made sure it was the correct size by testing out one of my rings on his finger, even bought it from the goldsmith shop which was located in a shopping mall I've never been with him to.

And apparently he wanted to pop the question twelve days before, the 2nd of Feb that year being a pretty interesting date to remember, but I was working that night or had to meet an ex-workmate or something.

And if Valentine's Day didn't work, he would've done it on the 20th. So he's been keeping the ring for a whole month? I need to look into his drawers now for anymore hidden jewellery...

Suffice to say, I'm glad he asked and even more glad that I didn't have to think to say yes. It just felt right.

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