Sunday, February 28, 2010

FaceBook for kids

I grew up in an era where the walkman was the most prized possession any kid could have, in school. Computers were, more often than not, unheard of (I could only draw symmetrical lines on mine) what more the internet and everyone carried a phone card (do those things still exist?)

These days, kids are walking around with MP3 players, mobile phones that play music and takes pretty pictures, FaceBook-MySpace-Twitter accounts and the list goes on.

What's going to happen to Generation-Z?!

ps. I overheard a pretty interesting conversation over breakkie this morning. Some ladies were discussing the possibility of starting their teenage kids on driving lessons with their driving instructor. Can you believe their instructor is still teaching? Well, neither could they, as they were working out the driving instructor's age when they were being taught (She must be pushing 60 now). Anyways, the whole point of the discussion was whether to allow their kids to learn on the automatic transmission or to learn how to drive a manual one. They spent about 20 minutes discussing this. The topic wouldn't even come up had it been their time. Kids these days have too many choices. Maybe that's the reason some keep making the wrong ones...

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