Friday, February 19, 2010

Inglourious Basterds

The hubs and I finally watched this on the DVD. Got to admit that I didn't find it all too entertaining. Sure it had some gore, the scalping thing was pretty gory, but the machine gun scenes were too quick. Couldn't see who got shot where until everyone was down... in 2 seconds.

We watched it during dinner (which is not something you'd want to do with the scalping...) and had time during the movie to read the newspaper while most of the conversation was going on in German (I would've fallen asleep if we watched it in the cinema). I guess it's more of a non-action movie. Something that Mr Tarantino is not used to producing. I still love his Kill Bill series.

Good bits were the accents by Brad Pitt and Diane Kruger; German, French, English, American and Italian.

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