Thursday, February 25, 2010

Locks away!

Got my locks cut yesterday. Not a spur of the moment thing, although I sounded it out to the hubs, in case he had an adverse reaction to it. But no... he didn't and I'm loving it!

It's short, just above the shoulders, easy to maintain. I probably won't need to blow it dry after a wash, but it's always better to shape it. After all, you never know whom you're going to run into when you leave your house... sometimes it's that crush you had in Kindy and you'll always want to look presentable.

Anyways, did the first wash this morning and I only had to use half the shampoo (excellent money saving here), no conditioner (there's not enough hair to condition!) and blew it dry in record time!

I think I'm going to have to maintain this length for some years. The last time I had this style was six years ago.

Locks Away

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