Wednesday, February 10, 2010

14 Blades

I have to hand it to Daniel Lee. His action movies are just awesome! Well, I think he's only done Three Kingdoms : Resurrection of the Dragon and 14 Blades, but if he's going to direct more, be sure to catch them! Maybe like wine, directors get better with age too!

I originally liked the way Zhang Yimou directed his movies. Although he's got more than 10 movies under his belt, I've only watched Hero and House of Flying Daggers. If you haven't watched either, you've GOT to watch them.

Anyways, 14 Blades. What did I like about it?
Fight sequences were awesome. Not a lot of gore, arterial spray and the hero doesn't really get injured... only when he met his match in the Femme Fatale that Tuo Tuo was. Her character was great! The evil eyes... the moving faster than her clothes can. All very good CGI. The ultimate was the 14th Blade. Upon release, it separates into 4 different blades and if your body is in the way of its projectile, you're definitely getting seriously mortally injured.

What didn't I like about it?
Nothing that I can think of at the moment. It wasn't draggy or long, the pace was just right, the fight sequences filled the voids and got the story moving.

I would buy the DVD, just to catch the movie without having to read the subtitles at the same time. I can't for the life of me understand Mandarin.

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