Saturday, February 13, 2010

Traffic Jams

I HATE traffic jams. Living in Australia and Singapore has given me the lucky chance to escape them. But the hub's family lives in Malaysia and we're usually there for the Lunar New Year (LNY) reunion dinner. He's got a huge family, 4 other siblings. Everyone makes it a point to gather at his parent's place with their kids, so it's a pretty great opportunity to catch up and eat till our tummy explodes.

This year, seeing that the eve of the LNY falls on a Saturday, we didn't expect an abundant of cars to head into Malaysia in the late arvo of Saturday. Most people would've tried to head there on Friday night or evening after work. So, we thought why not after breakfast, but sleep got the better of us and we took off after lunch instead. When we got to Singapore's customs and immigration point, it was smooth sailing. No cars crawling on the lead up to the point and no cars waiting to see an immigration officer. We were in high hopes. The hub's family lives 20 minutes away. We'll get there with plenty of time to spare, maybe take a nap. Cars not inching on the bridge either. Yay!

Our gleefulness was short-lived. Cars were inching 1km away from the Malaysian immigration and customs point. It took us an hour and a half to get to an officer. Boy do traffic jams make us tired.

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