Saturday, June 4, 2011

Food Blog : Shokudo Raffles City

Usually on the weekends, our food timings are all screwed up because we wake up late, have breakfast, wait 5 hours before lunch, which is usually around 2 or 3 and then wait another 6 hours before dinner. Anyways, today was one of those days. We were out shopping around the city hall area and didn't want to go back before having dinner coz we know we'll not want to come out and end up having instant noodles. So we ended up at this Japanese market-concept-dining place.

The concept is similar to Marche, where we're given a card upon entry, you go around ordering what you want to eat and the people taking the orders will fill your card up with your order. At the end of the meal, you present your card to the cashier and pay.

I wasn't feeling particularly hungry, as it was only 4 hours after our last meal... so I decided to have dessert, waffles with banana and chocolate syrup. Can't say that it wasn't yummy, it was just too much fluffy batter but the banana was freshly peeled and sliced. Marche used to have waffles, and theirs were yummier. Can't compare to the ones in Belgium, of course, but we're not in that neck of woods, so I'll have to live with what I can find here.

Waffle with Banana and Chocolate syrup

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