Monday, June 13, 2011

F1 : Canada

AWESOME!!! I can't believe this Formula 1 race in Canada. What started out to be a boring race has turned into a wet, slippery, incident and accident-full race! Luckily I didn't stay up to watch it last night (this morning), caught the highlights instead. There was a 2 hour wait-out for the rain to stop, visibility was near zero on the race track according to Vettel who was in the lead, what more everyone behind him receiving the spray from his tires!

With the track being wet initially, a couple of cars got smashed and it was with joy that I watched Hamilton crash out. Sadist? No, I just don't like the way he raced. The winner, Button, was driving a good race, coming up from last to win the race has to be saying something, right?! It was Vettel who caved under pressure at the last lap, swerved too wide and Button took the opportunity to overtake and the rest... is history! I wonder what's instore for us in the next race!

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