Friday, June 17, 2011


Our air-condition is starting to break down. The one in the lounge is no longer useable, it has been sitting there unused for the longest time... since someone complained of the racket it was making and management told us to get someone in to have a look at it. The one in the master bedroom especially, has required more looking into whenever the servicing people are around, twice the gas had to be topped up, which is not a good thing. Once I even caught a glimpse of the wiring above the false ceiling... the insulation has been rotting off and condensation has been dripping onto the false ceiling.

Oh, well, it has served us well, I think. The life span of an air-condition these days is around five years, right? Gone were the days where air-con units stuck out the hole in a wall of the house, those lasts for eons! These days, they don't make them like they used to! But then again, maybe we should really get it regularly serviced... as it is, we only get it serviced twice a year, if we remember, or when the ceiling starts to leak :P

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