Tuesday, April 19, 2011

New Toy

Last weekend, I ended up getting a new toy, a D7K. I've been thinking of getting a DSLR camera for a long, long time now because I was getting irritated with the automatic cameras which wouldn't allow me to quickly choose what I want to focus on, especially when we're talking about depth of field and bokeh. The only thing that was stopping me was the size of these cameras. Not something you can fit in your handbag and carry around everyday.

Anyways, I ended up getting this model as it is mid-sized and has most of the latest digital functions. I've only read the manual one third of the way... which is pretty sad. I think I'll have to read up on the hub's photography magazines to get more out of the type of photos which I would like to take and hopefully be able to use this camera to its fullest ability... and mine.

Piano with the 50mm lens

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