Thursday, April 7, 2011

Location tags

I've been using the FourSquare application quite a bit, always keeping in mind not to check-in at home or anywhere near home. As such, I've only used it to check into restaurants or while visiting a friend. Recently, Facebook's Places was finally made available to users here and everyone has been checking in in earnest.

So, what's with this concept of checking in to the places you are at? It'll be fun for a little while, letting all your friends know that you're "going places", and then what? Even you'll get tired of being a narcissist unless these kind of things don't affect you. Anyways, to get around all that, I've decided to make it a little of a recommendation to places I've eaten at. The best thing about Singapore is the abundance of restaurants, and if we were to try each and everyone of them, it'll take us a long, long while to complete... if ever.

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