Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Rave Reviews

The internet is an amazing tool. If you haven't fully discovered it, I suggest you do. You'll be amazed at what you can find! Information that you didn't even know would be up, is up. Can you imagine, if everyone puts in a unique truthful information, there are more than 6.5 billion people in the world, that's 6.5 billion different bits of information. It might be too much for one human brain to retain.

But, yes, you sometimes wonder if what you're reading on the internet is true, some people will abuse it.

Anyways, I believe in the goodness of people, so I've been scouring it for feedback on hotels which I haven't stayed in, in the planning of my vacations. I can't imagine where I'd go to find the information had the internet not exist. The only choice I would have would be to ask the hotel to snail mail me some information about the hotel. I vaguely remember fact sheets...

So put in your two cents, everyone, it might turn back to help you in the future.

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