Friday, April 30, 2010

Photo Blog : Castle Ruins

It was our last touring day today and because of the vastness of this place and the lack of proper transport, we decided to visit the Nakagusuku Castle ruins which is about 30kms away from Naha city. BUT after scouring the internet for a way to get there without any success, we decided that the bus company at the bus terminal might have a better idea. They did. We managed to communicate somehow as their English wasn't good and our Japanese was near non-existent. We hopped onto bus #30 which took us in a roundabout way (1.5 hours ride) to a point 2.2kms away from the site. I think the lady even called a taxi for us because a couple of minutes after we arrived at the bus stop, which was in the middle of nowhere, a taxi came from the opposite side of the road, made an illegal u-turn over the double lines and stopped in front of us without us having to hail it. Did we look that lost?

Nakagusuku Castle Ruins ~ West Gate

Nakagusuku Castle Ruins ~ The Curved Wall

After spending an hour and half at the ruins, we wandered off to find the Nakamura house. It was a short walk away, about 10 minutes, but we didn't go in because the entrance fee of Y500 turned us off. Besides, there are plenty of photos online. So we browsed the souvenir store instead and found a fridge magnet that we think totally encompasses Okinawa, a couple of Shisha's on a Hibiscus.

Okinawa fridge magnet

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