Monday, April 26, 2010

China Airlines

I think I have been travelling on too many budget carriers of late. For our vacation this week to Okinawa, I decided to go with the shortest route possible (which happens to be via Taipei) and the only carrier that does that is China Airlines (Taiwan's national carrier).

I was pleasantly surprised to find that the seats weren't as rigid as Delta Airlines was (when I took that flight to Tokyo a couple of weeks ago) and the on demand entertainment system has 16-tile mahjong as one of their 'intellectual' games. It was easy for me to wile the 4.5 hours away inbetween the meal services. The inflight main meal wasn't all that yummy, pasta really doesn't keep well, but it came piping hot.

Maybe I'll take this carrier to Taipei, if I ever get around to taking a vacation there.

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