Monday, April 5, 2010

Cat and Mouse

The cat's away and the pseudo mouse... is sitting in front of the computer trying to see if she can go away too.

Recently a couple of my friends made a comment that their hubands are 'dog' people. What exactly does that mean? That they are men's (and now women's) best friend? Or that they need to be walked once a day? Or that they need some form of human contact? Or looking on the brighter side of things, that they love unconditionally and blindly?

I think I'm a cat person. Not only do I not fancy dogs, growing up surrounded by mad, untrained barking dogs will do that to you, but I don't mind spending time by myself. I think the hubs is a cat person too *grin* We don't have the need to spend every minute together when we're both at home. He's got his computer and I've got mine (I wonder what olden day couples did when they're not working or in the kitchen). Not that we don't spend time together, at all, just not every free minute that we have.

Meanwhile, this pseudo mouse is still looking for a place to park herself for the next week.

ps. I already miss the cat

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