Sunday, April 4, 2010

Golden Oldies

I used to be pretty up-to-date with my music. Driving and catching the train the work gave me the time to listen to the radio. These days, I don't really turn on the radio. Partly because I don't really like the songs of the 00s and the radios don't play much of the songs from the 80s. It was during a car ride today that the hubs made an observation.

The 80s is now an oldie! Eek! Are we really that old? Considering that the 80s was thirty years ago, I guess you could say that we're old-er.

*sigh* wasn't it just last year that I graduated?

Suffice to say, there's a new radio channel for us to listen to, Gold 90 FM, which will be playing music from the 70s and the 80s.

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