Thursday, April 15, 2010

16 spokes

I brought a brolly back from Tokyo, actually, I brought back 2 brollies. It's not usual for someone like me to bring back a brolly because it's just cumbersome and not like we can't get brollies here, but it's Japan, and they have pretty interesting brollies.

For Spring and light rain, they're big on the transparent canopy brollies. These are usually between Y250 - Y300 for a one person sized one as they're made of plastic and will not last forever. For Summer and blocking of the heat, they have very pretty patterned ones in all shapes and sizes. Those will cost a bit more.

One of the brollies I brought back was a pink 16 spoke one. I thought more spokes would make the brolly more sturdy, as we sometimes experience torrential rain here. The pink canopy is plain when it's dry, but if there's water on the canopy, little cherry blossom petals start to appear. Amazing, isn't it? And it only cost me Y1050, bargain!

16 Spokes

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