Monday, April 19, 2010

Brilliant Legacy

I finally finished watching the Korean drama Brilliant Legacy and thought it's worth a mention. Sometimes it's difficult to give credit where it's due, but this is a show I could watch over and over again.

The storyline wasn't all that complicated and unbelievable (the writer didn't make every bad thing that could happen, happen) If you haven't watched it and are thinking of, go watch it. It's 28 episodes long, a little more than usual and Korean drama serials are usually slightly over 60 minutes long, without advertisements. Check out Wikipedia's synopsis.

I love the fact that in almost every episode, something gets revealed and the entire 28 episodes didn't feel draggy.

Ultimately, the songs that are played within the drama poses a big part of its attraction. There was a recurring theme song (Love is punishment, *grin* Even the title sounds painful) which was played over and over again, which had the following lines and even if it wasn't translated properly, it does fit the series so well : A love that cannot be spoken is a punishment from heaven.

I guess you'll be able to sense the amount of struggle the characters had to portray with that song. Good acting. Great choice of actors, especially the evil, evil stepmother.

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