Monday, November 15, 2010

Photo Blog : Calm Waters

Calm waters make for a great reflection, especially when the sky is clear and blue and there's no wind!

The old city of Brugge is surrounded by water, I guess at some point in time, it was a little island separated from the main land... fortress-like. Of course there are living creatures who enjoy the water besides the boats. But luckily for me, they sleep during the cold early mornings too.

Below is the most photographed spot in Brugge, De Rozenhoedkaai (Quai of the Rosary). On Sunny days, you can spot artists, photographers and find bus loads of tourist here. It's the end of the canal tours, which is also one reason the water's so calm.

De Rozenhoedkaai (Quai of the Rosary)

More of the Rozenhoedkaai

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