Friday, November 5, 2010

Operational Requirements

Well, I'm still at the airport... waiting to board my ride across the globe and it's being grounded due to operational requirements. That's a new term for me, and something that doesn't cause panic to all and sundry. I mean, doesn't "operational requirement" sound like a routine check up which the plane must undergo and couldn't previously as it was doing too many miles? Well, that's what it sounds like to me.

This particular operational requirement has hit all the A380 planes, you know, the double decker bus that flies? Yeah, that one. And this is only because something happened to one earlier yesterday morning and thanks to that, 5 flights are being delayed at the moment. The particular flight that I'm on will officially be 3 hours delayed if the engineers are to be believed. I don't think my travel insurance covers this...

BUT I suppose it's better to be safe than sorry, right? So engineers, please take your time and check every nook and crany so that the operational requirement is met. I wouldn't like to have my vacation disrupted, k?

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