Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Aging Brother

My older brother turns something-something today... It's not that I don't know what the something-something is, I've decided not to think about the age thing.

While I was filling up some form in Belgium, I think it was the tax refund one, I was asked for my age, in number, not my date of birth. Why would anyone want to ask that? I could just put any number. With the date of birth, you can't really cheat, can you? Anyways, I had to think about it. You know, when I was younger, I could tell you my age in a split second. But nowadays... it's pretty difficult. Could be that when you do get to my age, you don't want to be reminded that you've already spent sooooo many years on this planet and you haven't done enough.

Anyways, Happy Birthday big bro... many, many more to come!

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