Monday, July 26, 2010


The hubs and I finally went down to the cinema to watch Inception. The reservation over the internet was done on Saturday and we were supposed to watch it yesterday, but tickets were so hot at all the possible cinemas throughout the day that we decided to book it for tonight. So many good reviews for this show, if you haven't seen it, you've got to watch it, on the big screen. Not only for the cinematography but the story makes you think. Not disappointed at all!

The story revolves around the concept of dream manipulation. It's not technically explained in the show, you'll just have to think of it as possible and that it works. Imagine someone drugging you to sleep, plug a needle in your arm which is connected to a machine that injects a serum which makes you dream on an exclusively made up platform. The people who follow you into the dream will not impose their subconsciousness, else you'll retaliate and harass them. Are you still confused?

Anyways, the point is, it makes you think. The possibility of altering the world as you see it and in such a safe environment. Unlike the Matrix, if you die in the Matrix, you die and pain is relative. But in the dreamworld, if you die, you just wake up and pain is really, really painful.

And time, of course, is different in the dreamworld. It could be 10 seconds in real life, but you've lived 50 years in the forth or fifth layer of dreamworld.

I'm sure there will be a sequel to this as the ending leaves you hanging with a HUH?! And given the opportunity, I'd watch it again, sweet dreams!

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