Monday, March 22, 2010


I used to be a travel consultant for a travel agency. What exactly does a travel consultant do? They provide you advice on your travels.

Armed with heaps of information, some through repeated ramblings and personal experiences, others through brochures and browsing information through the internet, it was fairly easy for me to sell a destination. Even a destination I hadn't been to. But I think what made the job a little easier was that the customers almost always knew where they wanted to go for their vacation and where they didn't.

Now that I'm on the opposite side of the table... I've been wishing for a GDS (which is an airline reservation system) system to be available to me to search for the cheapest and shortest routes to destinations which I can't get to with just one non-stop flight. Google Maps help a little, but it just takes me longer to do it. Maybe sometimes, the service fees that travel consultants charge is actually justifiable.

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