Friday, December 3, 2010

Mischievous Kiss

Not knowing what the reviews were, I started watching this Korean drama... and it's only because of the perv factor that's a huge part of the show, the lead actor, Kim Hyun Joong. The first time he appeared in a Korean drama was for Boys Over Flowers where he acted cool and calm. Not much different from this show's portrayal either, but he's so bloody cute!

Alright, so the first few episodes were alright. It's about this duh girl who's in her final year of high school and she's in the last class, together with her best friends, with no ambition to do anything after high school. The only thing is that she's had this crush on this dude for the entire time she's been in high school (talk about an unwavering crush), which for Koreans is three years. He on the other hand, breezes through exams like the answers just stare at him, scoring full marks at every exam. One day they finally meet and after going through some interesting and funny times, I hear they end up together. Well, it wouldn't be a fairy tale if they didn't, would it? I think the directors and script writers have all decided that happy endings are much, much better than sad ones. I can't remember watching an extremely sad drama, or even a lightly sad one. Aren't I lucky?

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