Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Food Blog : Chick Peas

Chick peas (or Garbanzo beans) are just the best snacks. You get them raw, soak them for 12 hours in salted water, boil them in salted water on slow fire for a half hour and voila!

There are many brands, some need to be soaked longer, cooked longer and some just don't come out right. I get mine from the health food section of the supermarket. The packet reads Bob's Red Mill Premium Quality Garbanzo Beans. It's a little expensive for a packet, but it lasts a long while. I've tried the local ones, they're not as sweet or too powdery, which just causes me to cough.

In Asia, you can easily get them from the peanut seller (kacang putih man, usually an Indian in a sarong), who are a pretty rare sight these days. I think there's only one left in Singapore, in the Orchard Cineleisure.

A cup of raw Chick Peas

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