Thursday, December 2, 2010


When in Belgium, one must always, always have a piece (or two) of waffle! They are easily found and sold everywhere. Most of them (probably for the locals) have upped their game and added fruits or syrup or ice cream. But the more simple the waffle is, the yummier it is.

I decided to try this one while having a walk along Mariastraat. It's roughly made, and the guy behind the counter wanted to know if I wanted it warmed. For sure! Warm waffles are just the yummiest! Then he dusts it with some light sugar powder and voila! Belgian waffle.

Street waffle, Brugge

My first waffle in Brugge. It was probably a bad idea to order one from the restaurant the hubs and I were having lunch in, but I couldn't resist. I ordered one with Chocolate sauce. When it came out, I was a little taken aback. Firstly, because I've never seen waffles served like this (as in the shape). Secondly, it was like really, really deep fried. The pastry was crispy and not becoming of a waffle. The texture of a waffle is somehow a little cake-ish, right? Anyways, I didn't finish this one.

Restaurant waffle, Brugge

Then when we were in Brussels, just next to the Menneken Pis, there was this waffle shop. Surprisingly none of them looked appetising enough for me to buy one *grin* Maybe it so reminded me of my restaurant waffle that I was reluctant to try it or that we had to eat it while standing.

Array of waffles, Brussels

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