Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Flu

I've always hated being sick... bludging school, work and getting pampered are pros but the massive con... is that I can't swallow tablets for nuts!

Anyways, I've somehow managed to catch the flu virus this weekend. Sucks being sick when there's no work or school, right? It's a strange virus for me, starts with a sore throat, moves to a cough and then a runny nose. No fever... I think.

And since I hate taking medicine and coughing, I've discovered that Manuka honey sweets help to fight the onset. The sore throat lasted a day, missed the cough and I'm now in the runny nose stage and I haven't found anything to stop it. But since there's no pain (just the inconvenience of your nose leaking without control and having to blow it ever so often) I'll just let it run its course... have to give the virus a win or the next attack will be worse, right?

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