Thursday, November 24, 2011

If we die, it is our Maths teacher's fault

People say kids these days have it easy what with iPhones, iPads, computers and air-conditioning while attending school. But worrying reports coming out of China tells us otherwise. Kids have been committing suicide because they are unable to finish their homework!!! I don't know if I would've used this excuse when I was younger and in school, primary school at that!

Kids who take more time to understand a concept (especially in Maths) should be cut some slack. Teachers should be responsible for their actions, because looking at the reports, the kids are afraid of getting scolded and probably humiliated in front of their peers so badly, for not completing their homework, that they have to resort to suicide.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

F1 : Abu Dhabi

Last race of the season and here's to hoping that Vettel wins. I can't believe how supportive I am of him. He's such a kid when he's not in the car, but once he gets behind the wheel of that Red Bull, everything changes. He's focused, drives without any huge mistakes or impatience and everyone in his camp hopes that no one gets into his path. It's the same with driving on the roads. I always hope that the other drivers stay within their lane and not interrupt my driving.

With Abu Dhabi being behind here by 4 hours, and this being an evening race, it's going to finish late so I'll post this first and sincerely wish Sebby a safe and pleasant race!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Flu

I've always hated being sick... bludging school, work and getting pampered are pros but the massive con... is that I can't swallow tablets for nuts!

Anyways, I've somehow managed to catch the flu virus this weekend. Sucks being sick when there's no work or school, right? It's a strange virus for me, starts with a sore throat, moves to a cough and then a runny nose. No fever... I think.

And since I hate taking medicine and coughing, I've discovered that Manuka honey sweets help to fight the onset. The sore throat lasted a day, missed the cough and I'm now in the runny nose stage and I haven't found anything to stop it. But since there's no pain (just the inconvenience of your nose leaking without control and having to blow it ever so often) I'll just let it run its course... have to give the virus a win or the next attack will be worse, right?

Friday, November 11, 2011


In binary terms, today (11.11.11) works out to be 1+2+4+8+16+32=63, a totally random number.

And yet, plenty of weddings all over the world, as it's a pretty easily memorable date.
And some even find the numbers lucky, for what reason, I don't want to find out.
Here's a quick post to mark the occasion!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Food Blog : The Manhattan Fish Market

Bad, horrible, never-come-back-again place!

Oh... why did we decide to walk in?
But this place is always packed, always has a queue out the front...
Doesn't mean it's yummy!
It's supposed to be similar to that other place...

The Plaza Singapura branch recently re-opened, not sure if they just went through massive renovations to the place or that the owners changed. Something about the fact that the servers weren't all that experienced (like first time service crews) should've rang some alarm bells in my head, but no... we decided to sit, order, eat and pay.

We started with a bowl of seafood chowder which came in a tiny soup bowl, was watered down and had a hint of seafood taste to it. Then came the fried whitebait on a bed of coleslaw with raisins. Whitebait is supposed to be somewhat fleshy, but these were severely under nourished ones that reminded me of asian anchovies. The vegetables in the coleslaw wasn't fresh nor crunchy and again, not enough dressing.

I had the flame grilled prawns as my main which just meant that the prawns were grilled in the kitchen, covered in a cheese sauce that's lightly flamed with a hand held butane torch in front of you before being served. The sauce was weird to say the least, I couldn't put my finger on the distinct taste and the dish came with fries that looked like they've been re-fried.

The hubs had a fried whole burramundi which was pretty good, surprisingly... the rice which came with it was a little weird, garlic flavoured rice it was.

The plates looked old, porcelain side plates have been stained with the metal scour, plastic drinking glasses cracked but not leaking, serving plates are thin metal bordering on plates found in hawker centers and remember not to use the outer sides of the napkins as one of the servers used it to wipe the side plates dry on a table of four and placed it on the last side plate!