Thursday, October 27, 2011

Vacation time!

I can't believe I'm on holiday again in a couple of day's time and I'm not excited.
It's weird...

We've been planning this holiday for a long while now, usually our holiday plans are pretty last minute but I think we have had this planned for nearly a couple of months now. Maybe that's the reason I'm not excited about it anymore.

This time we're going to be parking ourselves in one city for a whole week! Yes, it's called a lazy holiday. Venice the destination and everyone looks at me a little crazily when I tell them that I'll be there for a week.

There's nothing to do there for a whole week!
Hmm... we'll see about that :)

The thing is, we don't want to do that four cities in a week thing again, it was exhausting and we vaguely remember everything that we saw, if not for the camera. So from now on, we're just going to park ourselves in one city for our holidays and explore the place like it's our home.

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