Saturday, March 26, 2011

Gifts for the dearly departed

The Chinese have an interesting ritual around this time of the year... it's called Ching Ming. Relatives will visit the tombs of the dearly departed, clean around the tomb, talk to them, burn some joss sticks, paper and offer some food, fruits and wine. As I haven't been exposed to this custom since young, it has been a fascinating visit for me each time. There's a certain ritual to follow and I've only learnt about it after following the hubs on his yearly rounds to visit his grandparents and mom.

The most interesting part of this, for me, is the offerings that are burnt. It started with hell money and gold and silver ingots. The Chinese believe that everyone goes to hell when they die. I remember my maternal grandmother doing this... folding many, many gold ingots out of paper. As the years go by people start to wonder if they could burn clothes, shoes, bungalows, mansions, cars with drivers, mobile phones, desktop computers, laptops and branded handbags made out of paper. Every year, I walk by the makeshift stall that's beside the columbarium and scan their wares. It's interesting to see what's new every year. A couple of years ago when the iPhone came out, it was there... this year they are even selling iPads. The thing is, I don't know that the person who's receiving these modern gadgets know how to use them?

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