Tuesday, December 20, 2011


It's befitting that this be an end-of-year post. Life in Singapore this year has had its many, many ups and downs.

Recently, news of worldwide economies struggling to stay afloat till the end of the year have been making their rounds and people are generally holding on till the end of the year... I'll fix it in the new year... Procrastination is rampant. Even then, it looks like there's little impact of that here, people are still chugging along with their daily life, lost in their own little world.

Meanwhile, a minor disruption such as the 20-year old subway train tracks recently give out at a certain part of the track have had residents dissing the provider like the intolerant people that they are... *sigh* Someone commented in the newspapers that the locals have been so supremely pampered that an offered alternative transport provided is just not good enough. How would they survive out in the 'real' world? London's subway is constantly unreliable but Londoners and visitors accept that. No one really grumbles.

After living here for so many years, I'm still unable to call this place my home. Like staying in a bad job with great workmates, I fear that I will not be able to tolerate the locals' degenerating attitude for another 20 years...