Sunday, August 21, 2011

Cook Curry Day

I have to log this down. The subject was so ridiculous to everyone in more ways than one except the families involved.

A little background on the subject matter. A family from mainland China came over to Singapore and has decided to rent out a government housing board apartment. They live next door to a family who has curry for their meals. Unable to stand the smell of curry, they decided to proceed to an arbitrator to work something out. The outcome was that the family could only cook curry if the China family were not at home. I hear both families agreed to that.

The decision was published in the newspapers, as it was the first of its kind and has riled many, many people. Would the family have to knock on the China family's door, making sure that they were not in, in order to cook curry? For anyone who's eaten yummy curry, you'd know that it takes hours of blending and cooking for the flavours to infuse into the meats before having it as a meal.

My other question is, if the China family was never out at meal times, does that mean the family has to look for alternate dishes to eat? Doesn't it sound like asking a vegetarian to eat meat because there's no more vegetables and tofu?!!!

A facebook page was born and everyone has decided that today would be a cook curry day.

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Sleep swaying

I saw the funniest thing on the train back home today... Someone sleep swaying! It was hilarious!!!

If you've ever played the balancing game on a large moving vehicle, you'll know that you have to sway in the opposite direction of the moving vehicle in order to compensate and not tip over.

This guy had it pegged! He was doing it while sleeping!! With one hand holding the pole, every so often he looked like his legs were going to give way. But no, he would automatically straighten himself and life just goes on! Hilarious!!! :D BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop